Student Life

Student Life - Beyond the Classroom!

Student's life in high school goes beyond the classroom.  That is why students are encouraged to participate in our extracurricular activities such as Formal, Fall Fun Day, and the high school trip!

Each year students honor our seniors by planning a formal event for the entire high school to attend. Formal wear, a served meal, and speaker are some of the highlights of the event. Afterwards, an all night formal takes place which has included prizes, team building activities, bowling, glow-in the dark games, laser tag, and more - depending on who is lucky enough to plan the event.

Every fall, a field day is set for the students to bond and for the staff to show their appreciation of the students.  It is a day of relaxation and fun.  This event is sponsored by and held at WJLY, Ramsey.

​New to the list of fun is the High School Trip! This adventure will consist of service and fun for all who attend. Helping to prepare area camps for their season, while also enjoying the amenities offered, is one of the ideas that has been presented. Other ideas are in the works to make the most out of the togetherness!